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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Virtual Villagers 3 : The Secret City System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2008-05-22 00:31:06 Views : 26400 Gem key Keep lighting the fire. You will notice sparkles around the fire. Let it burn out and the key should appear. However, it is too hot to pick up. Go to the waterfalls where the villagers get a drink and drop them there. The key must be there in order to do this. The villagers action will be "Putting water on the firepit". Keep doing until it has cooled. Tablet pieces The collectible tablet pieces will begin to appear near the rubble when the rubble clearing project has gotten started with at least 2%. Pink diamond key You will need to have solved Puzzle 3. Collect the following herbs for a potion: Cactus, Rose, Lotus. Make the potion and have a villager other than a nursing mother drink it. That villager should feel "light and springy". Drop them near the pink diamond (the hanging object) just above the rose plant. Their action should read "Trying to reach the key". They will jump up and collect the key. Building the big green blue statue To build the big green blue statue, must purchase Leadership and Restoration. Double tech points and food When collecting items (turtle shells, corals, tablets, and feathers), if you already have collected that item you will earn tech points. Mushrooms are food (red is more food than brown). You can double your profits by placing two children on the same item. If done fast enough you will end up with two of the same item. This is useful when you are running low on food. Unlimited honey If one of your villagers likes to run, have that villager smoke the hive. By doing this, the bees will stay and you will have never-ending honey. Clam key You will need to have solved Puzzle 9 (the big statue). Once the statue is completed, a pearl will appear (not the key). Have a Master Builder pick up the pearl. He or she will take it to the waterfall to be "finished". Then, have the tribal chief pick up the finished blue pearl. The chief will use the pearl to get the key from the giant clam. Lift The lift is useful for placing an adult and allowing you to find them in the same place a few seconds later. You can use this to get the couples you want to have babies. Other places where villagers linger are the waterfalls and bath (when completed). Seeds Plant your first seed immediately. Do this by dropping an adult villager (but not a nursing mom) on the seed near the lift. That seed may be a mango, papaya, or banana. aidr te, dpab aiirbtibhtb ehfasgdy Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Virtual Villagers 3 : The Secret City cheat codes.
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